11/08/2024, 05:11 PM UTC
通过皮肤反馈增强感官的可穿戴设备Wearable Device Enhances Senses With Skin Feedback
➀ 西北大学的团队开发了一种新的可穿戴设备,该设备利用皮肤刺激技术提供感官反馈;➁ 该设备使用蓝牙技术将环境信息转换为触觉反馈;➂ 它在游戏、虚拟现实和医疗保健领域具有潜在应用,特别是为视障人士和假肢用户。➀ A team from Northwestern University has developed a new wearable device that uses skin-stimulation technology to provide sensory feedback; ➁ The device uses Bluetooth technology to translate environmental information into tactile feedback; ➂ It has potential applications in gaming, virtual reality, and healthcare, especially for visually impaired individuals and prosthetic users.
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