09/23/2024, 01:00 PM UTC
如何在Ubuntu和Debian上快速启用和禁用SMT和超线程A Guide to Quickly Enable and Disable SMT and Hyper-Threading on Ubuntu and Debian
➀ 本指南提供了一种在不重启系统的情况下,在Ubuntu和Debian上 启用和禁用SMT和超线程的方法;➁ 它解释了如何使用'smt control'命令来管理这些功能;➂ 指南还讨论了在不同应用中使用SMT和超线程的利弊考虑。➀ This guide provides a method to enable and disable SMT and Hyper-Threading on Ubuntu and Debian without rebooting the system; ➁ It explains the use of the 'smt control' command to manage these features; ➂ The guide also discusses the benefits and considerations of using SMT and Hyper-Threading in different applications.