02/19/2025, 07:00 PM UTC
我正在购买高达9%收益率的定期收入I'm Buying Up To 9% Yield For Recurring Income
1、由于当前通货膨胀和市场条件,4%规则可能已经过时,使得收益股票更加相关;2、强调两家提供良好覆盖收益和强大业务模式的优质玩家;3、这两家公司都有强大的资产负债表,可能对长期收入和增长具有潜在回报。1. The 4% rule may be outdated due to current inflation and market conditions, making income stocks more relevant; 2. Highlight two quality players offering well-covered dividends and strong business models; 3. Both companies have strong balance sheets and could potentially be rewarding for long-term income and growth.---