10/31/2024, 01:30 PM UTC
Enovix:意外融资100亿美元可能不会让投资者感到高兴 - 卖出Enovix: Surprise Capital Raise Not Likely To Bode Well With Investors - Sell
1. Enovix公布了2024年第三季度的业绩,符合市场预期;2. 公司的财务表现平平,但投资者对与一家领先的中国智能手机OEM的新合作协议表示欢迎;3. 管理层预计高产量制造将在2025年底开始增加,并在2026年呈指数级增长;4. 意外的1亿美元融资可能是因为在马来西亚建设第一条高产量生产线的新要求;5. 作者对Enovix的故事持怀疑态度,并重申了对该股票的‘卖出’评级。1. Enovix reported Q3/2024 results in line with muted expectations; 2. The company's financial performance was lackluster, but investors cheered the announcement of a new development agreement with a leading Chinese smartphone OEM; 3. Management expects high-volume manufacturing to ramp up in late 2025 and rise exponentially in 2026; 4. The surprise $100 million capital raise might be due to the new requirement to fully fund the first high-volume manufacturing line in Malaysia; 5. The author remains skeptical of Enovix's story and reiterates a 'Sell' rating on the shares.