08/23/2024, 01:02 PM UTC
第二季度光传输市场同比下降19%Q2 Optical Transport market down 19% y-o-y
➀ 由于客户库存过剩、亚太地区新项目启动延迟以及宏观经济状况疲软,光传输设备市场在第二季度同比下降19%。➁ 始于2023年末的库存调整预计至少还会持续一个季度。➂ 2024年的市场前景已向下修正,预计光传输设备市场将下降8%。➀ The Optical Transport equipment market saw a 19% year-over-year decline in Q2 due to excess inventory, project delays in Asia Pacific, and weak economic conditions. ➁ The inventory correction, which began in late 2023, is expected to continue for at least another quarter. ➂ The market outlook for 2024 has been revised downward, with a forecasted 8% decline in the Optical Transport equipment market.