11/01/2024, 09:58 PM UTC
基于淀粉的新型纳米复合材料推动可持续电子产品发展A Novel Starch-Based Nanocomposite for Sustainable Electronics
➀ 伦敦玛丽女王大学的科研人员开发了一种新型的淀粉纳米复合材料薄膜,作为石油基材料的可持续替代品;➁ 该薄膜由丰富的天然聚合物淀粉和高度导电的MXene制成,具有电子和传感方面的潜在应用;➂ 这些纳米复合材料可以根据不同的用途进行定制,包括可穿戴技术和医疗保健,并且是可生物降解的。➀ Researchers from Queen Mary University of London have developed new nanocomposite films from starch, offering a sustainable alternative to petroleum-based materials; ➁ The films are made from abundant natural polymer starch and highly conductive MXene, with potential applications in electronics and sensing; ➂ The nanocomposites can be tailored for various uses, including wearable technology and healthcare, and are biodegradable.