08/22/2024, 08:53 PM UTC
电力转化为甲醇可能成为能源转型的重要支柱Power-to-Methanol Could Become a Pillar of the Energy Transition
➀ 电力转化为甲醇系统在将可再生能源整合到未来基础设施中可能发挥关键作用,通过将过剩电力转化为甲醇。➁ 斯蒂芬·福格尔博士的广泛建模和模拟表明,这些系统在结合可再生能源时可以经济上可行。➂ 尽管目前成本高昂,但未来的市场发展和规模效应可能在2050年前使电力转化为甲醇与化石燃料竞争。➀ Power-to-Methanol systems could play a crucial role in integrating renewable energy into future infrastructure by converting excess electricity into methanol. ➁ Dr. Stefan Fogel's extensive modeling and simulations indicate that these systems can be economically viable, especially when coupled with renewable energy sources. ➂ Despite current high costs, future market development and scale effects could make Power-to-Methanol competitive with fossil fuels by 2050.
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