07/25/2024, 09:00 PM UTC
SK海力士下季度进军60TB SSD市场SK hynix to Enter 60 TB SSD Club Next Quarter
1、SK海力士计划在下季度推出60TB SSD,进入超高端企业级SSD市场。2、公司预计eSSD销量将比去年增长四倍以上。3、SK海力士可以选择使用自有或Solidigm的控制器来制造新SSD。1. SK hynix plans to release a 60 TB SSD next quarter, entering the ultra-premium enterprise SSD market. 2. The company expects eSSD sales to quadruple compared to last year. 3. SK hynix has options to use its own or Solidigm's controllers for the new SSD.---