02/17/2025, 12:00 PM UTC
《黑 Ops 6》宣布即将与《忍者神龟》跨界合作Black Ops 6 announces upcoming TMNT crossover
➀ 少年忍者神龟将再次跨界进入《使命召唤:黑色行动6》,神龟们将亲自参战。 ➁ 活动视屏制作公司已经暗示了一个重大的跨界活动,数据挖掘者发现了所有4只神龟的主要武器列表。 ➂ 这次跨界活动可能会与《使命召唤》最近的《鱿鱼游戏》跨界活动类似,包括免费获得和付费内容。➀ The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are set to crossover into Call of Duty again, with the turtles themselves entering battle in Black Ops 6. ➁ Activision has teased a substantial crossover event, with data miners finding listings for all 4 turtles' main weapons. ➂ The crossover could function similarly to COD's recent Squid Game crossover, featuring a mix of free-to-earn and paid content.---