10/03/2024, 04:27 PM UTC
《荒野大镖客救赎2》重制版即将发布,原版已从Epic Games Store下架Horizon Zero Dawn delisted from Epic Games Store ahead of remaster
➀ 索尼官方宣布了《荒野大镖客救赎2》的重制版;➁ 重制版将于10月31日登陆PS5和PC;➂ 为了防止升级的漏洞,原版游戏已从Epic Games Store下架。➀ Sony officially announced the remaster for Horizon Zero Dawn; ➁ The remaster is set to release on PS5 and PC on October 31st; ➂ The original game has been delisted from the Epic Games Store to prevent any loopholes for upgrades.