10/16/2024, 10:12 PM UTC
欧几里得望远镜揭示宇宙208吉像素地图的第一部分Euclid Telescope Reveals First Chunk Of Gargantuan 208-Gigapixel Map Of The Universe
➀ 欧洲航天局(ESA)的欧几里得太空任务发布了其208吉像素宇宙地图的第一部分。该地图由260次观测创建,覆盖了132平方度的南天区。➁ 地图中包含约1亿个来源,包括恒星和星系。➂ 欧几里得敏感的相机捕捉到了螺旋星系的复杂结构,该任务预计在六年内揭示超过三分之一的星空。➀ The European Space Agency's (ESA) Euclid space mission has released the first chunk of its 208-gigapixel map of the universe. The map, created from 260 observations, covers 132 square degrees of the Southern Sky. ➁ The map contains around 100 million sources, including stars and galaxies. ➂ Euclid's sensitive cameras have captured intricate structures of spiral galaxies, and the mission is expected to reveal more than one third of the sky in six years.