01/04/2025, 01:00 PM UTC
2025年1月5个相对安全且价格合理的分红股票,收益率高达8%5 Relatively Secure And Cheap Dividend Stocks, Yields Up To 8% (January 2025)
1、本文重点介绍了五家市值大、相对安全的分红公司,它们的历史价格折扣显著;2、筛选过程涉及从7500多家公司中选出五家保守的DGI股票;3、文章还展示了其他两组五只DGI股票,收益率从适度到高,最高可达8%。1. This article highlights five large-cap, relatively safe dividend-paying companies offering significant discounts to their historical norms; 2. The filtering process involved selecting five conservative DGI stocks from over 7,500 companies; 3. The article also presents two other groups of five DGI stocks with yields ranging from moderate to high, up to 8%.---
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