11/23/2024, 10:15 PM UTC
难以想象没有这5颗高收益宝石的退休投资组合Hard To Imagine A Retirement Portfolio Without These 5 High Yield Gems
1、退休收入投资的核心是不动本金,享受高且稳定的股息;2、这需要谨慎和勤奋的证券选择过程;3、关键在于在收益率(风险)和安全之间找到平衡;4、文章详细介绍了5个适合退休投资组合的收益驱动型选择。1. The core of retirement income investing is about not touching the principal and enjoying high and durable dividends; 2. It requires a careful and diligent security selection process; 3. The key is to find a balance between high yield (risk) and safety; 4. The article elaborates on 5 income-driven picks for a retirement portfolio.