08/29/2024, 08:30 PM UTC
塞缪尔·史密斯的高收益投资策略High Yield Investing With Samuel Smith
1、塞缪尔·史密斯讨论了他的高收益投资策略,重点是价值投资原则,避免过高的收益率,并确保股息的可持续性。2、他强调了通过贵金属、防御性股票和市场制造商进行多元化的重要性,以对冲经济衰退和地缘政治事件。3、史密斯建议结合SCHD、JEPI和JEPQ等ETF,以实现一个平衡、多元化的投资组合,提供稳定的收入和超越通胀的增长。1. Samuel Smith discusses his high-yield investing strategy focusing on value investing principles, avoiding overly high yields, and ensuring dividend sustainability. 2. He emphasizes the importance of diversification with precious metals, defense stocks, and market makers to hedge against economic downturns and geopolitical events. 3. Smith recommends combining ETFs like SCHD, JEPI, and JEPQ for a balanced, diversified portfolio with steady income and inflation-beating growth.