08/01/2024, 07:47 PM UTC
高通CEO宣布明年将推出700美元的骁龙X PC$700 Snapdragon X PCs will be available starting next year, says Qualcomm CEO
❶ 高通CEO克里斯蒂亚诺·阿蒙在2024年第三季度财报电话会议上宣布,公司明年将推出700美元的骁龙X PC,提供更实惠的选择。❷ 阿蒙还提到,X系列产品路线图将扩展到包括价格低至700美元的PC,且不牺牲NPU性能。❸ 高通预计PC将成为公司多元化的重要驱动力,市场转型期间将保持缓慢但稳定的增长。❶ Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon announced during the 3Q24 earnings call that the company will launch $700 Snapdragon X PCs next year, offering more affordable options. ❷ Amon also mentioned that the X series product roadmap will expand to include PCs priced as low as $700 without compromising NPU performance. ❸ Qualcomm expects PCs to be a significant driver of diversification, with slow but steady growth as the market transitions.