09/22/2024, 04:28 AM UTC
米塔克英特尔丹尼利帕斯高端液冷2U 4节点评测MiTAC Intel Denali Pass High-End Liquid Cooled 2U 4-Node Review
➀ 本评测重点介绍了米塔克英特尔丹尼利帕斯2U 4节点液冷服务器系统;➁ 该系统几乎完全采用液冷,拥有创新特性;➂ 突出了米塔克在为超大规模客户构建系统方面的专长。➀ The review focuses on the MiTAC Intel Denali Pass 2U 4-node liquid-cooled server system; ➁ The system is almost entirely liquid-cooled, with innovative features; ➂ MiTAC's expertise in building systems for hyper-scale customers is highlighted.