02/11/2025, 09:45 AM UTC
《极限竞速:地平线》第17次重大更新现已上线Forza Motorsport’s 17th major update is now live
➀ 《极限竞速:地平线》第17次重大更新已经发布;➁ 更新包含6款新的每日赛车和新的焦点车型;➂ 改进了对手选择系统,并修复了X|S系列上的快速恢复故障。➀ The 17th major update for Forza Motorsport has been released; ➁ The update includes 6 new daily racers and new spotlight cars; ➂ Improvements to the Rival select system and fixes for the Quick Resume bug on Series X|S.---