09/26/2024, 11:49 PM UTC
英特尔至强6900P花岗岩溪AP视频Intel Xeon 6900P Granite Rapids-AP The Video
➀ 这段来自ServeTheHome的视频介绍了英特尔至强6900P花岗岩溪AP处理器,强调了它与AMD的EPYC处理器在核心对核心竞争力方面的表现。➁ 视频还涵盖了英特尔至强6系列的整体性能和特点。➂ 还包括系统的B-roll片段以及其他计划于2025年第一季度发布的英特尔至强6系列处理器。➀ This video from ServeTheHome introduces the Intel Xeon 6900P Granite Rapids-AP processor, highlighting its core-for-core competitiveness with AMD's EPYC processors.➁ The video also covers the overall Intel Xeon 6 family and its performance aspects.➂ It includes B-roll footage of the system and other Intel Xeon 6 processors that are set to launch in Q1 2025.