10/01/2024, 02:21 PM UTC
智能LED参考设计Smart LED Reference Design
➀ 本文讨论了一种智能LED参考设计,用户可以通过蓝牙低能耗(BLE)技术和智能手机应用来控制LED的亮度、颜色和模式。 ➁ 该设计采用了瑞萨的RL78/G1D BLE微控制器,并包括RGB LED驱动电路以调整颜色。 ➂ 该参考设计适用于智能家居照明、商业氛围设置和户外应用。➀ The article discusses a smart LED reference design that allows users to control LED brightness, color, and modes via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology and a smartphone app. ➁ The design uses the RL78/G1D BLE microcontroller from Renesas and includes an RGB LED driver circuit for color adjustment. ➂ The reference design is suitable for smart home lighting, commercial mood settings, and outdoor applications.
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