11/04/2024, 02:08 PM UTC
第三季度平板电脑出货量增长20%,苹果和三星领跑Q3 tablets up 20%
➀ 第三季度全球平板电脑市场同比增长20.4%,出货量达到3960万部。苹果出货量为1260万部,同比增长1.4%,但新iPad Pro因价格过高而销售不佳。三星和亚马逊也实现了显著增长。 ➁ 报告详细列出了前五大平板电脑公司的出货量、市场份额和同比增长率。 ➂ 数据来源于IDC的全球季度个人计算设备跟踪器。➀ The global tablet market saw a 20.4% year-over-year growth in the third quarter, with 39.6 million units shipped. Apple shipped 12.6 million units, with a 1.4% year-over-year growth. The new iPad Pro was too expensive to sell well. Samsung and Amazon also saw significant growth. ➁ The report includes a breakdown of the top five tablet companies, their shipments, market share, and year-over-year growth. ➂ The data is provided by IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Personal Computing Device Tracker.