09/03/2024, 09:27 PM UTC
比灭绝恐龙的小行星更大的小行星曾撞击过木星的卫星Asteroid Larger Than The One That Wiped Out Dinosaurs Once Rocked Jupiter’s Moon
1、神户大学的一位研究人员证实,撞击木星卫星盖尼米得的陨石比导致地球上恐龙灭绝的陨石大约20倍。2、这次撞击导致盖尼米得的轴线偏移,并在太阳系中留下了清晰的痕迹。3、这颗陨石的直径估计约为300公里,形成了直径在1,400至1,600公里之间的瞬态陨石坑。1. A Kobe University researcher has confirmed that an asteroid that struck Jupiter's moon Ganymede was about 20 times larger than the one that ended the age of the dinosaurs on Earth. 2. The impact caused Ganymede's axis to shift and left clear traces in the solar system. 3. The asteroid is estimated to have had a diameter of around 300 kilometers, creating a transient crater between 1,400 and 1,600 kilometers in diameter.