11/18/2024, 02:15 PM UTC
imec衍生公司开发运动服以减少运动伤害Imec spinoff develops sportswear to reduce injury
➀ 慧荣科技(imec/VUB)衍生公司Skinetix正在开发集成了传感器的运动服,以记录详细的运动和肌肉活动,以预防运动伤害;➁ 该平台使用个性化的生物力学模型来提供有关肌肉状况、运动质量和疲劳程度的见解;➂ 该技术旨在协助医疗团队监测运动员的肌肉活动并优化训练计划。➀ Skinetix, a spin-off from imec/VUB, is developing sports clothing with integrated sensors to record detailed movement and muscle activity for injury prevention; ➁ The platform uses a personalized biomechanical model to provide insights into muscle condition, movement quality, and fatigue; ➂ The technology is designed to assist medical teams in monitoring athletes' muscle activity and optimizing training programs.