01/11/2025, 08:11 AM UTC
AGNC投资:现在是贪婪的时候了(评级上调)AGNC Investment: Now Is The Time To Be Greedy (Rating Upgrade)
1. 作者最近对AGNC的派息可持续性和高P/TBV比率表示了谨慎,但在乐观的华尔街情绪中。2. 新的发展已经减少或消除了这些担忧,从P/TBV比率来看,估值已经基本回归到平均水平。3. 长短期收益率差已经转为正值,表明在未来一段时间内保持这种状态的可能性很大。1. The author recently expressed caution about AGNC's payout sustainability and high P/TBV ratio amidst bullish Wall Street sentiment. 2. New developments have reduced or removed these concerns, with valuation largely reverting to the mean in terms of P/TBV ratio. 3. The long-short yield spread has turned positive, indicating good odds for it to remain so in the near future.---
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