08/16/2024, 04:51 PM UTC
金·卡戴珊与Beats合作推出限量版Beats Studio Pro耳机Kim Kardashian Beats are back with a limited-edition version of Beats Studio Pro
1、Beats、苹果和金·卡戴珊合作推出三款中性色调的限量版Beats Studio Pro耳机。2、耳机具备主动降噪、透明模式和长达40小时的电池续航。3、尽管有合作加持,Beats Studio Pro仍因制造质量和音质表现受到批评。1. Beats, Apple, and Kim Kardashian collaborate to release a limited edition of Beats Studio Pro in three neutral colors. 2. The headphones feature Active Noise Cancellation, Transparency modes, and up to 40 hours of battery life. 3. Despite the collaboration, the Beats Studio Pro has received criticism for its build quality and sound performance.