01/20/2025, 10:00 AM UTC
索尼在伦敦举办的PlayStation锦标赛上揭晓了新《Astro Bot》关卡New Astro Bot level unveiled during PlayStation tournament
➀ 自去年9月发布以来,Team Asobi 一直在更新《Astro Bot》的新关卡和挑战;➁ 在一次现场PlayStation锦标赛活动中揭晓了一个新关卡;➂ 这个新关卡很可能是即将到来的《Astro Bot》更新的一部分。➀ Team Asobi has been keeping Astro Bot updated with new levels and challenges since its release; ➁ A new level was unveiled during a live PlayStation Tournament event; ➂ The new level is likely to be part of an upcoming update for Astro Bot.---