12/03/2024, 02:22 PM UTC
美国对中国140家涉及技术贸易的公司实施贸易限制US puts China trade restrictions on 140 companies
➀ 美国对中国140家涉及与中国进行技术贸易的公司实施贸易限制,包括中芯国际和华为。 ➁ 同时针对三家中国半导体设备制造商,分别是北京纳睿、ACM Research和Piotech。 ➂ 禁止三星、海力士和美光的产品。 ➃ 这项举措是拜登-哈里斯政府针对中国阻碍先进技术本土化生产的针对性策略的一部分。 ➄ 还建立了新规定,以阻止含有美国组件的产品出口到中国。➀ The US imposes trade restrictions on 140 companies involved in technology trade with China, including SMIC and Huawei. ➁ Three Chinese semiconductor equipment manufacturers are also targeted. ➂ Products from Samsung, Hynix, and Micron are banned. ➃ The move is part of the Biden-Harris administration's targeted approach to hinder China's indigenous production of advanced technologies. ➄ New rules are established to stop the export of products containing US components to China.
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