07/18/2024, 10:21 PM UTC
NASA的欧罗巴卫星上的晶体管无法承受太空辐射,任务面临风险——修复可能需要对卫星内部的MOSFET进行‘烘烤’Transistors on NASA's Europa satellite can't handle space radiation, putting mission at risk — repair could require 'baking' the MOSFETS inside the satellite
❶ NASA的欧罗巴快船卫星因晶体管对太空辐射的脆弱性面临风险;❷ 修复可能涉及加热电子舱以‘烘烤’MOSFET;❸ 受影响的MOSFET由英飞凌科技供应,因制造过程中的变化导致故障率高于预期。❶ NASA's Europa Clipper satellite faces risk due to transistors' vulnerability to space radiation; ❷ Repair may involve heating the electronics vault to 'bake' the MOSFETs; ❸ Infineon Technologies supplied the affected MOSFETs, which were found to have higher-than-expected failure levels due to a manufacturing change.