07/09/2024, 07:30 PM UTC
Entegris发布最新企业社会责任报告,强调向2030年目标迈进的进展Entegris Releases Latest Corporate Social Responsibility Report Highlighting Progress Toward 2030 Goals
1、Entegris发布了2023年企业社会责任(CSR)报告,展示了在创新和可持续发展方面的进展。2、该报告是Entegris发布的第四份CSR报告,强调了向2030年目标迈进的进展。3、作为半导体和高端技术行业的领先供应商,Entegris持续专注于先进材料和工艺解决方案的发展。1. Entegris has released its 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report, showcasing advancements in innovation and sustainability. 2. The report marks the fourth CSR report issued by Entegris, highlighting progress towards its 2030 goals. 3. Entegris, a leading supplier in the semiconductor and high-technology industries, continues to focus on advancing materials and process solutions.