11/29/2024, 01:50 PM UTC
2024年第三季度Janus Henderson全球生命科学多元化ADR管理账户评论Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Diversified ADR Managed Account Q3 2024 Commentary
1. Janus Henderson全球生命科学多元化ADR管理账户组合回报率为5.74%(毛回报),而MSCI世界医疗保健指数SM回报率为5.79%;2. 在制药行业的配置拖累了相对回报,而生物技术领域的股票选择对业绩有所贡献;3. 创新和并购可能继续成为医疗保健股票的顺风,而在经济放缓的情况下,该行业的防御性特征可能对投资者有吸引力。1. The Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Diversified ADR Managed Account Portfolio returned 5.74% (gross) and the MSCI World Health Care IndexSM returned 5.79%.; 2. Positioning in pharmaceuticals weighed on relative returns, while stock selection in biotechnology contributed to performance.; 3. Innovation and mergers and acquisitions will likely remain tailwinds for healthcare stocks, while the sector's defensive characteristics could appeal to investors in the case of an economic slowdown.