10/30/2024, 10:00 PM UTC
名人代言不过是儿戏Celebrity Endorsements Are A Mug’s Game
➀ 明星们参与了即将到来的美国选举,支持候选人,但其影响似乎微乎其微;➁ 最近的一项尤格夫调查表明,只有少数受访者受名人政治代言的影响;➂ 明星的政治代言可能导致一些选民产生负面看法。➀ Celebrities have endorsed candidates in the upcoming US election, but their impact seems minimal; ➁ A recent YouGov survey shows that only a small percentage of respondents have been influenced by celebrity endorsements in politics; ➂ Political endorsements by celebrities can lead to negative opinions among some voters.