01/23/2025, 02:22 PM UTC
扭曲双层-三层石墨烯中的拓扑电子晶体Topological Electronic Crystals in Twisted Bilayer-Trilayer Graphene
➀ 约翰霍普金斯大学、不列颠哥伦比亚大学和华盛顿大学的研究人员在一种特殊设计的石墨烯结构中发现了一类新的量子态:扭曲双层-三层石墨烯中的拓扑电子晶体。
➁ 不列颠哥伦比亚大学的本科生苏瑞恒在福尔克实验室进行实验时,发现了该设备的新配置。石墨烯中的电子冻结成一个完美的有序阵列,在样本边缘平滑流动,而内部则保持静止。
➂ 研究表明,尽管拓扑电子晶体形成了有序阵列,它仍然可以在边界上导电,这为量子信息领域的突破开辟了新的途径。
➀ Scientists from Johns Hopkins University, the University of British Columbia, and the University of Washington discovered a new class of quantum states in a specially designed graphene structure: topological electronic crystals in twisted bilayer-trilayer graphene.
➁ Ruiheng Su, an undergraduate student at UBC, discovered a new configuration for the device while working on the experiment at Folk's lab. The electrons in the graphene froze into a perfectly ordered array, flowing smoothly along the sample's borders while remaining immobile inside.
➂ The research reveals that the topological electronic crystal can conduct electricity along its boundaries despite forming an ordered array, opening up new avenues for breakthroughs in quantum information.