09/16/2024, 09:40 PM UTC
科赛尔收购Fanatec模拟赛车Corsair acquires Fanatec Sim Racing
➀ 科赛尔已完成对赛车模拟公司Fanatec的收购;➁ Fanatec的产品,包括力反馈方向盘、踏板和换挡器,现在将归科赛尔所有;➂ 科赛尔计划对Fanatec品牌及其产品进行重大投资。➀ Corsair has finalized the acquisition of racing simulation company Fanatec; ➁ Fanatec's products, including force-feedback steering wheels, pedals, and shifters, will now be under Corsair's ownership; ➂ Corsair plans to invest significantly in the Fanatec brand and its products.