08/14/2024, 12:24 PM UTC
高科技解决方案:安全过街机器人High-Tech Solution For Safe Street Crossing
➀ CrossBot是一种新型机器人创新,旨在解决湾区过街警卫短缺的问题。➁ 价格在15,000至17,000美元之间,它提供十年的服务,确保儿童在学校人行横道上的安全。➂ 配备包括Lidar、雷达和复杂算法在内的高级技术,CrossBot能够以360度视角监控其周围环境,确保在检测车辆、自行车和行人时误差最小。➀ CrossBot, a new robotic innovation, is designed to address the crossing guard shortage in the Bay Area. ➁ Priced between $15,000 and $17,000, it offers a decade of service, ensuring children's safety at school crosswalks. ➂ Equipped with advanced technology including Lidar, radar, and sophisticated algorithms, CrossBot can monitor its surroundings with a 360-degree view, ensuring minimal error in detecting vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians.