11/21/2024, 02:19 PM UTC
人体动作能否为您的设备充电?Can Body Movements Charge Your Devices?
➀ 水loo大学的研究人员开发了一种可穿戴发电机,利用身体动作为笔记本电脑和智能手机等设备充电;➁ 该技术采用压电材料,并可根据需要扩展到更大型的机器;➂ 团队计划将发电机商业化,应用于航空和医疗设备领域。➀ Researchers at the University of Waterloo have developed a wearable generator that harnesses body movements to charge devices like laptops and smartphones; ➁ The technology uses piezoelectric materials and is scalable for larger machines; ➂ The team aims to commercialize the generator for applications in aviation and medical devices.