11/02/2024, 11:46 PM UTC
科技巨变:英伟达取代英特尔进入道琼斯工业平均指数Tech Shake-Up: NVIDIA Supplants Intel In The Dow Jones Industrial Average
➀ 英特尔在道琼斯工业平均指数中停留了25年后,被英伟达取代;➁ 英伟达的成功归功于其数据中心GPU和AI技术的进步;➂ 英特尔股价大幅下跌,而英伟达股价飙升,公司正专注于转型并与AMD合作。➀ Intel has been replaced by NVIDIA in the Dow Jones Industrial Average after 25 years; ➁ NVIDIA's success is attributed to its data center GPUs and AI advancements; ➂ Intel's stock has dropped significantly, while NVIDIA's has surged, and the company is focusing on transformation and collaboration with AMD.