01/30/2025, 11:00 AM UTC
《命运2》与《星球大战》联动将于下月到来Destiny 2 x Star Wars arrives next month
➀ Bungie的《命运2》即将迎来与《星球大战》的新联动更新;➁ 该更新名为“异端”,定于2月4日发布;➁ 更新内容包括新的《星球大战》灵感装甲饰品、配件、表情和终结动作;➂ 每个守护者阶级都将拥有自己的由《星球大战》角色灵感的装甲套装;➃ 还将引入一个由死星灵感而来的新DS-2幽灵壳。➀ Bungie's Destiny 2 is set to receive a new crossover update with Star Wars; ➁ The update, titled 'Heresy', is scheduled for February 4th; ➂ The update includes new Star Wars-inspired armor ornaments, accessories, emotes, and finishers; ➃ Each Guardian class will have its own armor set inspired by a Star Wars character; ➄ A new DS-2 Ghost Shell inspired by the Death Star will also be introduced.---