11/04/2024, 06:15 PM UTC
11月免费Prime Gaming游戏包括《黑手党:终极版》等November’s free Prime Gaming titles include Mafia: DE and more
➀ 亚马逊Prime会员每月可通过Prime Gaming获得多种免费游戏;➁ 11月的游戏包括近24款,如《漫威的银河护卫队》;➂ 游戏从11月7日至11月27日分批发布,具体游戏列表如下:➀ Amazon Prime subscribers can get a variety of free games each month through Prime Gaming; ➁ November's offerings include nearly two-dozen titles such as Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy; ➂ The games are released throughout the month with a list of titles available from November 7th to November 27th.