08/03/2024, 10:01 PM UTC
Puget称其英特尔芯片故障率低于Ryzen故障率——零售商发布故障率数据,指出保守的电源设置Puget says its Intel chips failures are lower than Ryzen failures — retailer releases failure rate data, cites conservative power settings
❶ Puget Systems报告称,其英特尔第13代和第14代处理器的故障率低于AMD的Ryzen 5000和7000系列。❷ 该公司将英特尔故障率较低归因于其保守的BIOS设置。❸ Puget将其英特尔系统保修延长至三年,紧随英特尔对其第13代和第14代处理器的保修延长。❶ Puget Systems reports lower failure rates for Intel's 13th and 14th-gen processors compared to AMD's Ryzen 5000 and 7000 series. ❷ The company attributes lower Intel failure rates to its conservative BIOS settings. ❸ Puget extends its Intel system warranty to three years, following Intel's warranty extension for its 13th and 14th-gen processors.