06/27/2024, 04:13 PM UTC
Buzzni向CJ OnStyle提供电商AI订阅服务Buzzni Provides Commerce AI Subscription Service to CJ OnStyle
1、专注于人工智能的公司Buzzni与CJ OnStyle合作,提供其电商AI订阅服务'A Plus AI'。2、该服务包括A Plus Shortform AI等AI技术,能自动从长视频中选择精彩片段,大幅减少视频编辑时间。3、此次合作旨在提高视频编辑效率,支持合作伙伴公司的数字化转型和收入增长。1. Buzzni, a company specializing in artificial intelligence, has partnered with CJ OnStyle to provide its Commerce AI subscription service 'A Plus AI'. 2. The service includes AI technologies such as A Plus Shortform AI, which automatically selects highlight clips from long videos, significantly reducing video editing time. 3. This collaboration aims to enhance the efficiency of video editors and support the digital transformation and revenue growth of partner companies.