08/29/2024, 01:04 PM UTC
德国环境奖表彰电动汽车和泥炭地研究的先驱German Environmental Award Honors Pioneers in Electromobility and Peatland Research
➀ Franziska Tanneberger博士和Thomas Speidel因其在气候友好型电动汽车和泥炭地保护方面的贡献而获得德国环境奖。➁ Tanneberger专注于湿泥炭地的可持续利用,而Speidel则开发了创新的电池缓冲高性能系统,用于快速电动汽车充电。➂ 两位获奖者都通过技术进步在推进环境、生物多样性和气候保护方面表现出卓越的承诺。➀ Dr. Franziska Tanneberger and Thomas Speidel receive the German Environmental Award for their contributions to climate-friendly electromobility and peatland conservation. ➁ Tanneberger focuses on sustainable use of wet moors, while Speidel develops innovative battery-buffered high-performance systems for rapid electric vehicle charging. ➂ Both recipients have shown outstanding commitment to advancing environmental, biodiversity, and climate protection through technological progress.