06/25/2024, 10:12 PM UTC
微软强制启用OneDrive自动备份功能——Windows 11全新安装时默认开启,用户对桌面图标和文件的自动同步感到意外Microsoft now forces automatic OneDrive backups — feature enabled during clean Windows installs, users surprised with desktop icons and files
1、微软在Windows 11全新安装过程中默认启用了OneDrive自动备份功能。2、用户未明确同意的情况下,发现桌面图标和文件被自动备份并同步至OneDrive,感到意外。3、该功能现转变为默认开启,用户如不希望使用需手动关闭。1. Microsoft has implemented automatic OneDrive backups as a default feature during clean installations of Windows 11. 2. Users are surprised to find their desktop icons and files automatically backed up and synced to OneDrive without explicit consent. 3. The feature now operates on an opt-out basis, requiring users to manually disable it if they do not wish to use it.