09/04/2024, 08:00 AM UTC
2024年第二季度五大智能手机公司排名Top Ten (less 5) Smartphone Companies In Q2
➀ 根据IDC的数据,2024年第二季度排名前五的智能手机公司是三星、苹果、小米、vivo和OPPO。➁ 三星以0.7%的微弱增长领先,而小米则显示出27.4%的显著增长。➂ 从2023年第二季度到2024年第二季度,整体市场增长了6.5%。➀ The top five smartphone companies in Q2 2024, according to IDC, are Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, vivo, and OPPO. ➁ Samsung leads with a slight growth of 0.7%, while Xiaomi shows significant growth at 27.4%. ➂ Overall market growth is 6.5% from Q2 2023 to Q2 2024.