08/20/2024, 07:56 AM UTC
特斯拉雇佣人员通过动作捕捉训练Optimus机器人Tesla Hires People to Train Optimus Bot via Motion Capture
➀ 特斯拉正在招聘数据收集操作员,通过动作捕捉技术训练其人形Optimus机器人。➁ 该职位要求长时间行走、携带重物并佩戴VR头显,身高限制与Optimus的预期高度相匹配。➂ 训练过程可能需要数百万小时的数据,潜在成本高达50亿美元,且没有成功保证。➀ Tesla is hiring Data Collection Operators to train its humanoid Optimus robot using motion capture technology. ➁ The job requires walking for extended periods, carrying weights, and wearing a VR headset, with height restrictions to match Optimus's projected height. ➂ The training process may require millions of hours of data, potentially costing half a billion dollars, with no guarantee of success.