08/19/2024, 04:15 PM UTC
更低成本的树莓派5发布Lower cost Raspberry Pi 5
➀ 新推出的2Gbyte树莓派5售价为50美元,相比4Gbyte版本的60美元有所降低。➁ 成本降低是通过减少内存大小和更换主处理器实现的。➂ 新版本去除了不必要的功能,使其在功能上与其前代相同,但更具成本效益。➀ A new 2Gbyte version of the Raspberry Pi 5 has been launched at $50, compared to $60 for the 4Gbyte model. ➁ The cost reduction is achieved by reducing memory size and changing the main processor. ➂ The new version removes unnecessary functionalities, making it functionally identical to its predecessor but more cost-effective.