10/03/2024, 08:01 AM UTC
iPhone 16 的 A18 处理器并非 'Binned' A18 ProiPhone 16 A18 Processor Isn't a 'Binned' A18 Pro
➀ 新的显微摄影揭示了 iPhone 16 芯片的内部结构;➁ 苹果没有在 A18 和 A18 Pro 上使用芯片分拣;➂ 尽管看起来相似,但 A18 Pro 比 A18 拥有更多的晶体管;➃ A18 Pro 的额外晶体管分布在芯片的不同部分。➀ New microphotography reveals the inner workings of the iPhone 16's chips; ➁ Apple is not using chip binning with the A18 and A18 Pro; ➂ The A18 Pro has more transistors than the A18, despite initial appearances; ➃ The A18 Pro's additional transistors are spread across the die in different sections.