08/22/2024, 07:45 PM UTC
新Humble Bundle包含几乎所有主线《生化危机》游戏New Humble Bundle includes (almost) every mainline Resident Evil game
1、Humble Bundle以折扣价提供一系列主线《生化危机》游戏。2、该捆绑包包含系列不同年代的游戏,分为四个等级。3、该捆绑包的部分收益将捐给慈善机构,支持儿童奇迹网络医院和突破T1D。1. Humble Bundle offers a collection of mainline Resident Evil games at a discounted price. 2. The bundle includes games from various eras of the series, available in four tiers. 3. A portion of the proceeds from this bundle will go to charity, supporting Children's Miracle Network Hospitals and Breakthrough T1D.