06/21/2024, 05:01 PM UTC
本周最受欢迎的科技新闻:TDK固态电池、CML Ka-band GaN功率放大器、QuickLogic加入英特尔铸造厂、英特尔3nm工艺量产、中芯国际跻身第三大铸造厂Most Read – TDK battery, CML GaN, Intel 3nm, SMIC foundry
1、TDK研发出1,000Wh/L固态电池,作为硬币电池的替代品,采用专有材料技术。2、CML Micro推出Ka频段GaN功率放大器,适用于商业高容量卫星通信终端。3、QuickLogic加入英特尔铸造厂的加速器IP和USMAG联盟,标志着公司战略增长计划的重要里程碑。4、英特尔的3nm工艺已进入大规模生产阶段,实现了性能提升。5、中芯国际超越GlobalFoundries和UMC,成为第三大铸造厂。1. TDK has developed a 1,000Wh/L solid-state battery as a replacement for coin cells, utilizing proprietary material technology. 2. CML Micro announces the launch of a Ka-band GaN power amplifier for satellite communication terminals. 3. QuickLogic joins Intel Foundry's Accelerator IP and USMAG Alliances, marking a significant milestone. 4. Intel's 3nm process is in high volume production, delivering performance improvements. 5. SMIC ranks as the No.3 foundry, overtaking GlobalFoundries and UMC.