01/24/2025, 11:31 AM UTC
欧盟资助通过神经接口帮助儿童恢复手部功能EU Funding to Help Children Regain Hand Function Through Neural Interfaces
➀ 欧洲研究理事会(ERC)正在资助弗里德里希-亚历山大-纽伦堡大学(FAU)的一个名为“PlayAgain”的项目,旨在开发神经接口以帮助儿童恢复手部运动功能。
➁ 该项目旨在通过神经接口加强或恢复大脑与麻痹手部肌肉之间的连接,潜在地使神经假体的直观控制成为可能,从而实现抓握。
➂ 研究团队希望,如果该技术成功开发,将显著提高患有神经肌肉障碍的儿童的生活质量,使他们能够更独立地完成日常任务和活动。
➀ The European Research Council (ERC) is funding a project called 'PlayAgain' at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) aimed at developing neural interfaces to help children regain motor function in their hands.
➁ The project aims to strengthen or restore connections from the brain to the muscles of the paralyzed hand using a neural interface, potentially enabling intuitive control of neuroprostheses for grasping.
➂ The team hopes that with successful development, this technology could significantly improve the quality of life for children with neuromuscular impairments, allowing them to perform daily tasks and activities more independently.