10/22/2024, 08:01 AM UTC
计算机或将解决伦敦的交通问题Computer Could End London’s Traffic Problem
➀ 本文讨论了CEIR(英国)有限公司总经理T. Cauter提出的利用电子计算机解决伦敦交通问题的可能性。➁ 公司计划在伦敦市中心开设一个配备IBM 7090和1401机器的计算中心。➂ CEIR对收集远程数据点的数据的兴趣强调了数据传输设施的重要性。➀ The story discusses the potential of using an electronic computer to solve London's traffic problem, as suggested by Mr. T. Cauter, Managing Director of CEIR (UK) Ltd. ➁ The company plans to open a computing center in Central London with IBM 7090 and 1401 machines. ➂ CEIR's interest in collecting data from remote points emphasizes the importance of data transmission facilities.