08/28/2024, 08:09 AM UTC
一季度市场占有率最高的十大(减三)半导体公司Top Ten (less 3) Semiconductor Companies In Q1
➀ 文章列出了由Counterpoint Research报告的一季度市场占有率和收入最高的七大半导体公司。➁ 简要概述了这些公司在市场中的地位。➂ 文章还包括了与汽车IC供应商、分销商、SiC供应商和代工厂相关主题的链接。➀ The article lists the top seven semiconductor companies based on market share and revenue for Q1, as reported by Counterpoint Research. ➁ It provides a brief overview of the companies' positions in the market. ➂ The article also includes links to related topics such as automotive IC vendors, distributors, SiC suppliers, and foundries.